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Something dumb that ruined all of the best youtubers.

Ssundee: I play fortnite now! Now to get decent content, you have to watch my old stuff!

by Ÿœū ärę ã pætåt March 30, 2020


A popular game in my school that nobody will shut the fuck up about. Popular shooter game, a good way to have your son become a living raging dragon. If you let your son play the game, you will soon have to destroy his console.

Nobody will shut the fuck up about Fortnite

by BbbBbbRUuUuhH January 10, 2020


A type of sexuality. It's when someone is sexually attracted to video games.

- Hey, do you want to no longer be a virgin?
- Sorry, I'm Fortnite.

by banana guy68419 June 10, 2022


The game that turned all your homeboys into some brainwashed ugly ass nerds, pricks, geeks etc.

" Lmao you noob, you're default skin on fortnite "
" Bitch, at least I have a life. "

by Dr.Snowman May 22, 2018


an ok game but i hate it at the same time


by Gh00stG0rl December 2, 2020


An example for circle jerking on reddit to justify killing children over some thing they like

Person 1:Hey dude this kid is streaming fortnite 10 hours a day for his dad cancer treatment, isn't that cool ?
Person 2: HELL YEAH killing cancer with cancer, also let's bully the kid while we at it.

by Noophy March 7, 2020


A 3rd person battle-royal style game that people hate just because other people hate it

Person 1: "Omg fortnite so trash lollololol
Person 2: "Shut up no one asked"

by AmongusGamer May 12, 2022