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full out

full makeout but without sex

The boy went to fingerbash the young feminine girl but she went to full out.

by anchick December 8, 2018

The Full Metal Jacket

When you're fingering/fisting a girl and use all your fingers, and optionally using the thumb.

Bro I made her cum instantly with the full metal jacket move.

by Lil Beter March 26, 2018

full time bruh moment

When something is so idiotic or odd that it classifies as more than a part time bruh moment

Guy 1: dang I cant think of a definition for this word
Guy 2: that's a full time bruh moment

by Akhult1 October 28, 2020

Full English Crown Breakfast

When a lady who has a high place in society has sexual intercourse with several commoners at the same time.

She is in Parliment, but she enjoys her Full English Crown Breakfast on the weekends!

by Fresh Prince of Wales March 13, 2024

Full Time Scum

"Full Time Scum" is also known as FTS for an abbreviation . This refers to a person whose sole purpose of living and outlook of life is for sexual pleasure and to increase their amount of sexual partners. Someone who is FTS bottom's line is always sex, for example, they may maintain a job, but the purpose of that money is to go towards an effort to increase their body count. Someone who is FTS does not have time for any other hobbies, if it may not result in sex

Bro JP is a full time scum, he's linked 4 girls this week and its only Thursday!

by FTS4L March 15, 2023

Going Full Diz

When a team mate basically goes Leeeroy Jenkins

There is a crate drop in an extremely unsafe spot surrounded by enemies, I'm going for it!.
He is going full Diz

by DirkPitt August 9, 2021

full tilt softball

something your coach says that nobody understands

lets play some full tilt softball today bois

by tiny peach June 25, 2017