A manky nugget that sits at the back of the fridge and it looks gross and does nothing.
1) (noun) Ew gross... i just found a fridge nugget.
2) (offensive term) You're such a fridge nugget.
After a satisfying dump, A Poo nugget is what hangs on at the end and refuses to let go no matter how nice you ask it.
It is known that in some Australian counties it is known as a "Michaela"
no matter how hard she tried, the poo nugget stayed clinging on
Michaela just kept hanging on.
A piece of poo left on your butt after wiping.
I kept wiping and wiping, but could not get rid of all the tush nuggets.
When in nugget porn the guy cums on the female nugget and its chunky and smells off
Thats one cheesy nugget or you are cheesy nugget
The curvature of ones testicles.
The slope nugget of my balls is 5 degrees.
When a dog blows it’s green load all over a McDonald’s chicken nugget and makes his owner it it.
My dog gave me the Bulgarian spunk nugget last night.