An experimental performance. When your play or act needs to be vetted by a live audience you need an off off off broadway location in a press desert so if it bombs hardly anyone will notice. Leave the Great White Way then take the MetroNorth to the end of the line to put on a Poughkeepsie Play at the Bardavon Theatre. Leave your expectations at the door, this might blow you away or bore you to sleep.
Will it play in Poughkeepsie?
Person: I just saw a Poughkeepsie Play.
Other Person: What was it about?
Person: I can’t recall.
That Poughkeepsie Play is gonna be a hit!
Critic: Willem DaFoe got upstaged by an unknown actor in that Poughkeepsie Production.
Comic: Sounds like he got upstated!
A internet loved video, posted around 2012 on YouTube, got tens of millions of views
Cat playing a electronic Video is enjoyable and funny
This is in every card game.It means when the card is in play you can play it whenever you want but only once
This card has an on play effect
that one youtube series made by keizoha
a: hey man have you ever heard of siri plays
b: no what the fuck is that
a: its a series made by youtuber keizoha where uhh theres siri (im referring to that virtual assistant) and he plays games
b: sounds like shit
a: oh come on
A reference to shakespeared "Macbeth"no one in a theater is supposed to say the m word for fear of bringing. Bad luck to the theater or whatever production is In house
We're doing that scottish play soon. Not my favorite!
"yo bro lets go to a gay strip club"
lets play with bobthebigbot999 cus he is so gay!!!
Playing Kazoo is another term for being gay. It is just like, "coming out of the closet" but better. And no, it is not, "playing THE kazoo" it is just, "playing kazoo"
"I played kazoo last night?"
"The instrument?"
"No. I was playing kazoo"
"Ah, so you're gay"