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Run Over Rubber Dog Shit

Its how you describe to someone that you are absolutely flat on your back from influenza or a cold and unable to even stand up to do the most menial tasks in life like going to the bathroom or eating

Bill: I heard that you have the flu, how are you feeling?

Tom: Well Bill , I happen to feel like Run Over Rubber Dog Shit, its absolutely terrible

by Freeze_Riggs July 3, 2016

The chicken run original soundtrack 2001

The best piece of art I’ve ever witnessed in my stupid ass life, like seriously one time I was at my 3rds cousin’s birthday party with some oriental background actresses along with one funeral clown and this frat dude (party boy from college) who was butt vapping some WD-40 at the time pulls out his Mac book pro and starts blasting the chicken run original soundtrack 2001 and immediately the space time continuum breaks and the one true god (ginger from WWE.com) speaks to me in a disappointing mother like tone and says “say it don’t spray it” then the bruh sound effect comes booming from the distance like operation rolling thunder and I wake up in the middle of my annual lobotomy visit. My point is this stuff is more metal that bismith

Doug:“Dude did you hear about how my grandma got boned to death in the hospital, feelsbadman”

Ramadan Steve : don’t even wack attack about that broshavik, I’ll just play the chicken run original soundtrack 2001 to 1st coming her back from the dead, it’s probably the best piece of art I’ve ever witnessed, it’s radical my bruh” *plays chicken run original soundtrack*

Doug: h*ck yeah dude you just saved my grandma from being boned by the grim reaper to death just like ginger from WWE.com boned the space time continuum, that sure is swell”

Ramadan Steve: “yeah whatever “Mohamed””

by Doomguy44 January 26, 2020

8👍 1👎

I'm Gonna Run Your Show

To completely dominate someone in all ways possible. Usually used in online video gaming but can be used in other things as well.

We've All been there.. ur sittin and playin ur xbox 360 whether its C.O.D 5 or halo 3 or whatever and ur in the pre game lobby and theres always that one little (my balls still haven't dropped yet) kid being loud and obnoxious and just won't shut up and for some reason decides to pick ur gamertag to start chirpin.. ohh you suk im gonna kill you and on he goes.. so in response you say.. Buddy, I'm Gonna Run Your Show!!

by 2K-Turner October 24, 2009

10👍 3👎

ima run a train on your ass

A threat that has sexual implications. Where a group of men gang up on one guy and fuck his ass as a train/tag team. Often resulting in severe bleeding and bruising.

Ima get the bois and ima run a train on your ass.

by Fact man March 6, 2018

5👍 1👎

This PC can't run Windows 11

Message by the PC health check program or the windows 11 setup when your PC does not support windows 11 because of the TPM 2.0 requirement bullshit

This PC can't run Windows 11
(X) This PC must support TPM 2.0

Me: What the fuck is TPM 2.0

by Sebby294 October 12, 2021

10👍 2👎

well fuck me running

showing emotion

going down the steps and falling on your ass!!

by Brittany November 29, 2003

22👍 134👎

Run away global warming

The state of the world as it is now where the world keeps getting hoter and hoter. It has been proven that if all carbon dioxide emission were to stop right now the world would contune to get warmer and it would take a thousand years for it to get back to normal. But as more carbon dioxide goes into the air it makes global warming go farward even faster. The world is getting warmer at a rate faster than computer models have predicted. There is now no ice in the artic ocean in the summer. It has been predicted that if it contunes in years to come the amazon rainforest will die first turn to grass land then to desert. The growing belts in the U.S. that grows a large part of the world's food will vanish and a global famine will result which will cause massive fighting between nations as they struggle for the limited food and water supply. With the politcal state of the world a nuclear war is not out of the question.
You have been warned. Hear me now believe me later.

Can we stop run away global warming?

by Deep blue 2012 April 1, 2010

3👍 13👎