Towning; means when you let a person borrow your transportation for a certain time limit and they go and use it past the limit.
Example; Bro don't town my stuff. Example #2; I would let you town my stuff but i got to go somewhere.
Towning; Letting someone borrow your transportation and they go too far with it or have it for too long.
when someone is in good physical shape, and is strong, they may be considered to be in hench town
hey man, ive gotten kinda fat. I'm gunna work out everyday till i'm in hench town
Most commonly used to refer to Grandma and Grandpa’s house. May also be referring to being inside Grandma’s vagina.
Ah, man! You’re in Sauce Town! Lucky!
It’s Sauce Town up in this bitch, my nigga!
Yo, mate, I just slid right into Sauce Town.
Nickname for the city of Orlando, Florida
"Where you from?" "Girl, O-Town!" "I heard y'all be lit down there."
Nickname for the city of Orlando
I’m headed to a concert out in O-town tonight.
Very strange group of kids in a group chat. Most come from North Carolina. Socially awkward and really Smexy.
I love those Derpy Town kids! they are AMAZING!