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Day After Drinking Shits

I drank way too much, and now I have DADS

by gbanz March 17, 2024


A dad. Someone that loves and cares for you. They don't say their disappointed in you when a C pop's up in your report card. A dad doesn't say he's a real one then goes and hit women. A dad is someone who doesn't leave you for weed or alcohol. He may be your father but if he doesn't care then it's not your dad. He doesn't take your money to drink or smoke.

Father: I am your dad, respect me
Me: Do you care for me? No, your not my dad

by Djehfcid March 9, 2021


You wanted to google your dad's name but it wasn't funny enough so you went on the urban dictionary. TOO BAD. IT'S still not funny.

Dad: hi son
Son: Dad, what's for dinner?

by whyareallthenamesusedalready November 19, 2020


The Man who created you with the assistance if your mother and brought you to this world

I love my dad he cares for me he protects me and most of all I love playig a good catch with him....I love you dad 😇

by BadassFucker!! December 1, 2015


a dad is the best type of person you will ever meet

i love my (dad)

by tmr51609 October 1, 2020


That one dude that went to get milk and never met

Boy 1: ew are those fake Jordan's hahaha brokie

Boy 2: shut up and go hug ur dad.. oh wait u can't find him

Boy 1: shut up u know he went to get milk when I was 3 and I licked his yummy ball sack without permission 😢

by Your dad's dad mom's brother November 23, 2022


A Nigga That Is A Runner As Soon As He Finds Out He Gonna Be A Father.

I'm Pregnant DadI Gotta Go Run To Store Be Back In A Few

by 21babygirl July 9, 2017