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Used as a greeting to a long lost friend after a long time - "mother - fucker" has nothing to do with sex with a mother.
Used as an exclamation: "hey!! I just won 14 million on the lottery!...". Reply: motherrr-fuckerr! or, you murrrer! (for short)
Also, say it with expression mother fucker! Or as a prelude to entering conflict with an enemy: "Come here mother fucker!!" That sort of thing. "He skidded on some diesel and hit the tree but he's alright": reply exclamation: "mother-fucker!"

by A320 April 7, 2022

Mother fucker

Its when you stab a lava lamp up a girls somewhere near the balls

You are motherfucker you bitch
Your mother fucker killed you

by Ur sex March 8, 2023

mother fucker

Any asshole who you don't want fucking any of your female relatives, such as you mother, sister, brother, pets, steps, uncle, aunt, cousins, nephew, niece, friends, the local barber, the gas station attendant, your investment banker, the ATM at your bank, etc. etc.

My cousin Boo Boo from North Dakota told me that she was so upset that after her father "boinked" her mom, he came after her, and then she went after him with a baseball bat. "What a mother fucker!" she said, and something else I can't say.

by exurbanwhitetrash May 26, 2022

mother fucker

Any asshole you don't want fucking your female relatives, e.g. your mother, sister, aunt, niece, cousin, grandma, pets, steps, brother, nephew, uncle, grandpa, best friend, any friend, possibly your enemy, the gas station attendant, the milkman, your doctor, the barber, the bar tender, your investment banker, the ATM outside your bank, the ATM inside the Walmart. the AI inside the Target, the local cops... oh, wait, the cops don't belong on this list.

My cousin Honey Boo Boo told me that her dad first boinked her mom then came after her. "What a mother fucker!" she said, as she came at him with a baseball bat. I love my cousin Honey Boo Boo.

by exurbanwhitetrash May 26, 2022

mother fucker

Somebody you don't want fucking any of your female relatives, including your mother, sister, aunt, niece, steps, brother, cousin, nephew, friend, pets, uncle, etc, etc., etc.

My father is a real mother fucker. After fucking my mother, which was bad enough, he wanted to fuck me. Gross!

by exurbanwhitetrash May 26, 2022

Mother fucker

A person who is a shit and dumb

You mother fucker!

by Get out of here June 28, 2021

mother fucker

Mother fuckers like your father. Think about it, he fucked your mom, right? That is how you are alive on this planet. Your father was indeed a mother fucker.

Son: Dad, you mother fucker.
Dad: I know, I fucked your mom.

by daddy is typing... November 29, 2022