How black people say "I got my"
I don't need a degree, cause I gots my'nz
Boneless nibbers ain't got no bones
I got Bonnie's legs i a8nt got no bones
something that just happened to you
Fernando: who you just got recked in that game
Lucas: yea i am a failure when it is compared to you
A phrase someone says when they have broken head clippers and is getting shouted at by the person whos hair they are cutting
"Ouch that hurts"- victim
"Rave got da blade you ungratefull little twat"- barber
A phrase someone says when they have broken head clippers and is getting shouted at by the person whos hair they are cutting
"Ouch that hurts"- victim
"Rave got da blade you ungratefull little twat"- barber
A phrase someone says when they have broken head clippers and is getting shouted at by the person whos hair they are cutting
"Ouch that hurts"- victim
"Rave got da blade you ungratefull little twat"- barber