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Titanfall 2 player

A gamer who plays titanfall 2. Be aware of these individuals they identify each other by calling one another "pilots". If a non pilot is in the vicinity, the titanfall 2 player will attempt to convince the person to try titanfall 2. If all else fails, this "pilot" will attempt to abduct and force the individual to play Titanfall 2

(Random person) Who's that over there?

(Random person 2) oh thats a Titanfall 2 player i'd steer clear if i were you

by Orsina May 21, 2021

15๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

mass lad 2

1) Small boy who is thought of as being a gay when he is older.

2) Commonley used to replace song lyrics in order to piss Chris Massey off.

1) "Wah gwan blad, that boys a fag if I ain't ever seen one"

"For real man, he is a Mass Lad 2 fo sure"

2) "Mass Lad, Mass Lad 2"

by Illmatic Cow July 12, 2004

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core 2 duo

intels best latest greatest processor line

The slowest core 2 duo kills amds fastest processor.

by zwc July 1, 2007

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2 inch punisher

The rare exception of a short penis that can deliver surprisingly pleasant results.

His 2 inch punisher pleased me in a way that I could not imagine.

by Urbandefinitions123454331 April 2, 2015

35๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž


Oldsmobile Cutlass from the 1970's Abrieviation for 4 barrell carb, 4 speed trans and dual exhaust. 4-4-2

That 4-4-2 kicked ass on that GTO !!

by Steve7777 April 16, 2008

21๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

2 Cigarette Meal

"A 2 Cigarette Meal" is a meal that is so good, or so large, that it is imidiately followed bu the smoking of 2 cigarettes as opposed to the standard single cigarette. Usualy it is a meal that is either very spicy like mexican or asian cuisine. A Thanksgiving feast usually falls into this category too as most ppl over eat and must chainsmoke 2 or more cigarettes afterwards to speed up the digestion process.

{2 ppl sittin at On The Border after a huge meal.}

Person 1: "Wow! That was a feast man."

Person 2: "Ya, my mouth is on fire from that hot sauce. Im stuffed."

Person 1: "Ya, that was definately a 2 cigarette meal"

Person 2" "Well light it up then."

by Russ Bus February 21, 2008

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Modern Warfare 2

A game unlike any other, some people call it a terrible game others call it a great game, but overall its a game that involves some tactical knowledge and some abilities to predict. This game has is flaws and advantages, one flaw is some of the very linear maps such as Highrise, linear maps are the maps known as "Spawn Killing" maps. Certain weapons are overly powered and which require no skill, such as the UMP45, SCAR-H, TAR-21, Grenade Launcers, and RPG's. While some weapons are underpowered like a weapon called the Vector (Know as the KRISS super V) which in real life shoots .45 caliber bullets with high accuracy and high fire rate, Depending on how the people your are going against it is a great game, but same could go for the other way it just depends on how overly powerful the other team is being. This game also consists of a lot of Hacked accounts, which people abuse to scam(mostly little kids) NO FURTHER DETAILS

Modern Warfare 2 Player: Have you played the very incredible game Modern Warfare 2?

Neighbor: Yeah but i couldn't find a good game ever so i just quit it and decided to leave cruel remarks.

by Cuddle bot187 June 24, 2010

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