A term made by rapper, Matty G. A Bang Flow is basically a rapper's flow that can hit hard as fuck with the beat.
Other terms by Matty: 119116, and RED Mad
Rapper 1: Bro, swear I got a bang flow! I can hit hard as fuck with my bars.
Person 1: Shut the fuck up you suck at rapping.
The act of smoking weed and having sex simultaneously. Nearly synonymous with "pipe and pipe."
Let's bong and bang after English class!
The act of doing the Texas Belt Buckle and then banging a bad bih afterwards
Shawty got me actin up I had to hit her with the Texas Belt Buckle Bang
To go on a boys only road trip to fuck one of their female friends.
Let's go an a Bang Gang to Florida
when you are retarded enough to swap the both word on the word "Gang bang"
also why the fuck are you searching for gang bang
"LmaO LeT's SeaRcH fOr GanG baNG"
:oh WaiT , IM reTarDed i SpelleD BanG GaNG"
The trigger of a firearm
"Trigger discipline" means keeping your booger hook off the bang switch.
When you have to memorize resistor color codes...
A: Shit, I forgot the color value table of resistors.
B: Remember, BB ROY Gang Banged Violet Grey With Golden Socks