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cool my jets

What my boyfriend tells me when I drink too much beer too quickly

Mika, cool my jets”

by Mikaaaaa November 13, 2018

louie supa cool

louie is like the coolest person to ever exist. shes the best aba player (NO CLICKBAIT) she loves piss and bicuits

she likes peakstars and boobies!!


by kenji fortnite ball lover May 4, 2021

not cool

sam rosen.

he’s not cool. oh ! then he must be sam rosen.

by dinosaurtrain November 3, 2021

that cool white guy

that cool white guy in your life. He’s usually straight and cis but he’s like cooler than the other cis straight white guys in your life. Cool white guys usually love their mom and are probably afraid of bugs.

person 1: Hey there’s that cool white guy with his mom!!
person 2: that guys my favorite

by ilovepissyummypissyummy November 10, 2021

Very cool very cool

A quote by the infamous EstLost Entertainment character Cocoa.

He said it in the video where the new show 'Clashing Continents' was introduced on the channel, which at the time was known as Everything TV.

Person 1: "My cat just died."
Person 2 *in Cocoa's voice*: "Very cool very cool."

by Estlost Entertainment May 29, 2017

cool second

When someone is bothering you to do something, so you tell them a cool second. When it really means like a hour.

Destiny: Go feed the dog.
Donald: I will in a cool second, hold up.

by Kingray30 March 23, 2020

cool dust


Yo I scored some cool dust. Let’s party.

by Whitepizza March 15, 2018