Hym "Billionaires are stealing from... ME and NOT YOU. If government policies that provide tax cuts are theft then the married and the parents are are ALSO stealing from everyone. They are stealing from everyone to support their own kids BUT THE BILLIONAIRES are outside of the grasp and now they want to steal MORE except from them in addition to everyone else. They are gluttons. And they wonder why they lost the election. You're walking up to the guy you're stealing from and telling him that we should steal the billionaire's money so YOU can have more of the money for you and your kids. And you know what happens when you get the billionaire's money? You get left holding the bag because 'you're an incel', they take all of the money and feed it to their kids (who inevitably just shit it out), and then they enslave you so that you can generate more money to steal for their kids in the form of child tax credits!"
when you join a discord channel a mod comes and has 17 different mental breakdowns in the spanned of a second then will have you baned for a funny reason like No MeMeS iN gEnErAl while i am thinking ok how about in @everyone then get baned again and again
computer:user has joined your channel
computer:user was baned from your channel
me:umm im out of times i can set my clock to
Hello im peppa pig Oink, this is my little brother george oink, this is mommy pig OInk! And this is daddy pig OINK
When your face is not close, but far
In close they can see your face.
Dave: talk with your face from a far!
Bob: why?
Dave: So they won't see your face.
Usually a dude name Eric but he spells it with a k, like erik. He does that because he is a reject of society
Hey skinny weird dude from work what do you want your name to be in my phone......
Oh hey, that kind of sounds like my thing! Is that really an Aristotle thing! Ha! Wow! I am, like, up there (intellectually) aren't I? Damn. A genius after his time!
Hym "The argument from motion? I didn't even know that was a thing! I should read some Aristotle..."
A short blonde girl who wears Van's and has a bunch of guy friends...
Most commonly thinks they are not cute when they are... also very fun to talk to
Are you know marys who's friends with ambers.. amber from marys