Pool referring to a bed and fun referring to people
"There was a pool full of fun in my apartment last night!"
The Super Saiyan form Achieved by Broly (DBS) In Dragon Ball Super: Broly. The Form has Green hair.
It’s Full Power Super Saiyan. (Yea it’s a stupid name)
The rare occasion where a husband and wife both succumb to the effects of alcohol at the same time, resulting in simultaneous regurgitation. Often referred to as the 'the mating dance of the married', this ritual has long been known to forge deeper physical and emotional connections between couples.
"Yeah, we did the Full Minnard again last night"
Last night's partI was a disaster... I've got a basement full of bees
When your partner is so proficient at performing fellatio and has a long enough tongue to lick our anus, taint, and scrotum at the same time.
I've heard that Beth's tongue is so long she can have the full flavor profile.