Something you most certainty don't have.
Anyone who uses the word swag does not have a single ounce of it.
Someone 5 years ago today said swag means “secretly we are gay” but I/or they must be wrong 😂🙄
Swag is a type of nice clothing people where
Swag is Aaliyah Paris, Cassie, Amy and Charlotte they are the swaggiest friendship, they are born with swag and they will never not be swag, they are funny and born with humor
Woah have you heard of the swag friend group?
Yeah duh, Aaliyah, Paris, Cassie, Amy and Charlotte , yeah. They are the swaggiest friend group.
Abiel or Abiel like
Wow you're so swag your reaching Abiel levels!
The definition “swag” originated from the swaggiest specimen known to man who’s name is “Aiden Lauterwasser”. People have tried to out swag Aiden but it’s simply impossible. Aiden is truly the definition of swag.
Wow he’s so Swag (wow he’s so Aiden Lauterwasser)
A word that stands for secretly we are gay
You know we stick together because swag for life.