Run down beat up side of town usually located in the bad or poorer part of towns
Looks we're in the ghetto side of town now Billy
Abby: What's the Ghetto?
Random person: Forest Lawn Subdivision
“what does ghetto mean”
“bella flach is the definition of ghetto u dumbass”
A hobknocker, inappropriate pupil who constantly swears and wears little to no clothing or wears hoodies and sweatpants so they are ready to go rob somewhere.
The ghetto chick threw on her skin tight shirt and skinny jeans and headed out to meet a guy to make a fetus.
A person or persons who are living in a certain area infested with crime, government housing or just part of the lower to lower middle class economic demographic. Ghetto is often misconstrued to be synonymous with ratchet people. Although ratchet people can reside in the ghetto, not everybody in the ghetto can be classified as ghetto. People who are ratchet (also known as hood rats) have very low standards, they have multiple kids with no good partners, unambitious so they live off food stamps and low income housing. They also loud and rowdy and ready to throw down over the most ridiculous perceived slights. They often have no moral values and no self respect , they can be considered a waste of tax payer dollars. Being ghetto on the other hand is different. Even though you are less privileged that
others,, you don't let that hold you back. You often hustle or grind to make your life better, knowing full well that through working smart and coupled with hardwork can get you in high places. Ghetto people usually are in touch with their surrounding, their Street smart and often use cost effeciency to obtain their goals. Since they have less disposable income, they resort to means others may deem being cheap. Ghetto people are just a product of their environment, the appreciate the hustle, love urban music and often times carry that ghetto mentality everywhere they go. This is why they say you can't sleep someone out the hood, but you can take the hood out of them.
Wow that girl is so ratchet,she has so many kids with different daddies and still goes clubbing.
Larry: Man, Kevin is so ghetto he always going to dollar tree and shit.
Trevon:Nah, Kevin is a G he knows spending money wisely will help him by a new whip by the end of the year.
A word used to describe anything that’s usable but technically broken. Even though it would be easier to replace it than deal with it broken, your just too lazy. So it’s ghetto rigged instead.
“I can’t find the back to the remote so Its ghetto rigged with some duct tape now. When it stops working just push the batteries back in and slowly flip it over and set it down softly or the batteries will pop out.”