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Sleepy boner

When wearing scrubs, the freedom can excite the junk into a boner, though not an angry one. Discovered at wilford hall medical center.

Dude, I was working the other night, and I got so relaxed / tired, I sprouted a hella sleepy boner.

by Saint947 July 31, 2010

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No Claims Boner

When you have a random erection for no apparent reason, therefore nothing in the vicinity can claim your boner. Often appears at the most unfortunate and awkward of times.

Oisin: My job interview to become a pre school teacher didn't go so well, and my no claims boner didn't help either!

Jordon: I hope no one at the family reunion saw my no claims boner...

Shane: Thankfully, after ten minutes my grandmother came in to the room and broke my no claims boner

by Daneeyul January 26, 2014

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When someone gets an erection from anything to do with Astrology.

1: "Hey bro is that the North Star?"

2: "YES!..Sorry I just came to the sight of it"

1: "Dude..you just got an Astrolo-Boner"

by AWildPikachu May 29, 2012

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Boner bend

Pressing your erection against the object of your affection.

Before putting it in, I gave my loved one a few boner bends against her knees, just to let her know I care.

by GhostWarriorDong October 2, 2013

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When a guy/girl has such low body fat that there's veins all over their body, resulting in their limbs resembling a full on boner

Guy 1: "Bro did you see that guy? He was shredded cunt!"

Guy 2: "Yeah brah, he looked like he had a boner for arms!"


by thewildeone August 12, 2016

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Mitachurl boners

A Genshin Impact monster that are big and makes it seem as they have a huge dick and has a lot of boners.

Mitachurl boners look hot and wanna suck it all.

by MitachurlsAreSoHot July 2, 2021

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Mind Boner

To have a great idea.

I just got a mind boner; what if socks were self drying and cleaning!

by TooHardtoHandle January 13, 2015

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