carter is a nickname for ‘cart’ so when asking if they’ve seen carter you’re asking them if they have a cart on them
hey have you seen carter?
no but i’m pretty sure josh saw carter
A phrase used when things go well but something ruins it
“You smacked your brother with your new toy, this is why we can’t have nice things”
I don't even have your water bottle
Ooh I hate white people
Once you get the salt in your blood you have a desire to go out on the ocean. Being on land gets boring after a while. It doesn’t take long to get salt in your blood. The lifestyle, the adventure, it is nothing that can compare to it.
He was experiencing what the maritime community refers to as “having salt in your blood.”
When you are usually pretty good at something then you make a stupid mistake
How did you fuck that up? Sorry mate, I'm just having a shore moment
When you're thirsty on a plane, thousands of feet in the air. But there's not much to drink.
Blonde male with a crown and mask on chin, looking around and grinning: "May I please have a water?"
Woman: Oh my god!
To gain significant advantage or make one's way through the world by exploiting social dynamics, state institutions and weaponising the law (usually to the detriment of moral but naive others).
Cindy: "I'm so over my farting, snoring husband, but I need him. How about you?"
Jelissa: "Well I have no problems. I lined up a guy via Internet dating from the other side of the world, he knocked me up so I could have my baby and he's out of sight, out of mind. He pays me child support off the record out of guilt, and I get special single mother benefits. Then I married Enrique, but divorced him after four years for a payout and alimony. These days I just do what I want!"
Cindy: "Wow, you have it all worked out, don't you?"