an alternative for one or more of the following:
1) Literally kiss me. I don’t think I've seen anyone as attractive as you before
2) I think the music you listen to is cool!
Example of usage 1:
Me: Hey what music do you listen to?
My crush: Oh you know, Clairo, Mitski, The Neighborhood, The 1975. Artists like that
Me: I like your music taste :))
Example of usage 2:
My friend: Yeah I just started listening to this new band. It’s really cool!
Me: Dude I like your music taste!
A female music artist who raised you while growing up
Nicki Minaj is my musical mother she raised me during the 4th grade
Wii music edited to sound like elevator music.
I searched for Wii elevator music.
Party Music; high energy provocative music: ratchet
The DJ was dope last night but he didn't play any function music, you know, music like 'JHawk Productions'. I was trying to get release my inner ratchet.
Music that is often listened to by “losers”.
Losers being a term used for people who don’t have many friends, usually because of a fear of losing said “friends”. Most losers are often unique, funny, and/or smart.
“What do you usually listen to?”
“Weezer, radiohead…”
“Wow, I didn’t know you listened to loser music 💀”