negative canthal tilt + no jawline + fat cheekbones
anyone that isn’t jordan barrett
dude 1 : dude she didnt tried kiss me the second I met her
dude 2 : it’s over for you
another way of saying no to a person on something by exaggeration with it
"Rita, when are you going to give me a kiss?" asked Beta. Rita responds with "to the day hell freezes overwhile walking out the door of the room" leaving Beta depressed.
Sure, you can manage a Lululemon instead of delivering car parts, but that's farts over sharts.
When two men ejaculate over a women who had been menstruating, creating a bridge-like cum form. Both guys are obliged to glue each others pubes onto their face creating a Garfunkel Mustache.
Matt and Kane gave Georgia a Bridge Over Troubled Water last night.
John has to chill out, Sarah, give him a Bridge Over Troubled Water.
Term used when a person wants to break up or end the relationship with another person.
John and I have been having a lot of problems lately. I think I’m gonnna invite him to come over and do laundry tonight.
Eg boondocks , song by Gangstalicious ,hommies ova hoes , in shakesperean english 'brethren over wenches'
When you and a buddy are double teaming a woman and you have an arm wrestling match on her back.
Rat and Darron took a girl home from the bar last night and proceeded to pull the Over the top with her! Who won? Darron of course!