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Rowing Sexual

People who are sexually attracted to rowing and are addicted to sticking bowl balls in their asses.

Damn I love fucking rowing. I must be Rowing Sexual.

by December 3, 2021

Homie sexual

Feeling sexual attraction towards your homie's.

( ps. think of it as one of it as something like pan sexual, homo sexual or words like that to describe peoples sexual attraction.

Person1: are you straight?

Person2: Nah bro, I'm homie sexual

by NiggerHater6996 February 20, 2025

Homie sexual

When your friend is looking a little to thicc.

Friend 1: you lowkey got a dumpy.

Friend 2: Wanna smack it.
Friend 1: Smacks his ass aggressively
Its not gay to be homie sexual

by Quattchini February 1, 2022

Homie Sexual

Homie Sexual are two guys who have sexual intercourse but aren't gay. It also includes any gay acts two males make.

EXAMPLE: I like it big, Kiss me nigga, its hard

Karlos and Robert are "Homie Sexual" for each other.

by Seflixx October 7, 2019


The 100% not gay sexuality of loving your bros but no homo.
When you kiss your bros but its not gay, its Homie-Sexual.

"It's not gay man, it's Homie-Sexual"
"Can I butt-fuck you? It's not gay, it's Homie-Sexual

by StoutCrow April 11, 2023


Your best friend thats gay/lesbian

Hey sup mah Homie-sexual

by claudiaisnotonfire May 31, 2013

1๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Homie sexual

When the homies to sexual things to eachother and cover it up by saying its โ€œhomie sexualโ€ when in reality they are js gay and wanna fuck each other

JD-i love you manny
Manny- love you too
Tiffany- thats gay
Jd and manny-its homie sexual

by Pendeja de sinaloa March 5, 2020