Last Resort by Papa Roach
A word used to annoy parents in the form of a Tik Tok video.
This can also be used to address your friends as to say they are your homie or your bro.
Also used in a way to "rock on"
1. 🤟 MoTHeR🤟. CUT mY LiFE iNTo piECEs, ThiS iS mY LaST ResoRT. SuFFOcATioN, NO BReatHINg. DoN't GiVE a DAmn iF mY ARM iS bLeeDiNG.
2. Person 1: "Where is Ava?"
Person 2: "Oh there she is"
Ava: "🤟MoTHeR🤟
Mother's Law; noun
The Mother version of Murphy's Law.
As originally defined in Mikayla's Dictionary published 2024;
When a mom's time and motivation align perfectly to complete tasks otherwise usually pushed aside for lack of time or motivation alignment, the Mother's children will then undoubtedly become extraordinarily clingy, perform dangerous acts and hurt themselves requiring comfort and consoling, fight with siblings (both verbally and physically) and cause various alternative chaotic acts within the home environment, therefore causing the tasks or projects to yet again go undone or possibly worsen.
I finally had the time and willpower to (insert task here) but then the kids went feral - that's Mothers Law for you!
Drop the R and add the T when the mother fuckery is indescribable
He was a mother fucket after our divorce
horny, chappad chappad, rather autistic probably has a 10 incher
hey bro i woke up with a massive boner today
Yeah you are ghost mother
Word to my mother somthing the hoodlums say in new york alot to impress di gyals.
A situation without hope. A situation considered lame or distaistfull. Mother not as in your mother, mother as in motherfucker meaning the person saying the phrase.
1:"Hey did those parts come in from UPS yet?"
2:"No we're still waiting on em'."
1:"I can't fix my car without them."
2:"What's a mother to do?"
A gender neutral way to identify someone
Person 1: how are you mother fucker
Person 2: im pretty good
This is way better than this
Person 1: how are you dude
Person 2: I iDeNtIfY aS fEmAlE
Person 3: sToP dEmOnIzInG tRaNs PeOpLe By NoT rEsPeCtInG tHeIr PrOnOuN