A southern woman who will do anything. She is basically a hooker, just a redneck.
I was at the tailgate a few days ago and I got this Trixie Hoe to let me soak in her for 3 hours.
When someone is extremely rude initially or acts like a hoe ass bitch and then when they get called out they apologize for overreacting initially like the hoe they truly are.
Robyn was so mean to me first thing this morning
Oh yeah dont worry about that just call her out and she will do a Hoe Rollback
When a teammate on a basketball team throughs up bad shots. They do this in order to add points to their stat sheet and if they miss, they will typically blame the team.
Emmett half court shot with 10 minutes left was a hoe chuck.
a hoe's signature top that they wear that makes them feel confident
I want to get with Will tonight, I'm gonna wear my hoe top.
A derogatory word against White People (Specifically Karens who say Konnichiwa in a Korean restaurant with a Chinese waiter) Inspired by the way some white people say hola.
Dumbass Hoe-lay!