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a orange person superrr fake and annoying but funny {sometimes}

brooo your sooo like chris

by Lizzie-savage February 23, 2018


Chris is the most perfect guy I know any girl would be lucky to be with him he is super kind and really funny. Chris's tend to love the artist lil uzi. Chris is tall and super hot, and loves to smile.

Oh dang Chris I wish can be with you <3

by Ilovechrissomuch September 3, 2017


good looking, kind, but makes stupid decisions. likes breaking up with Emilee to date Taylor.

every girl wants him.

girl: do you see thAT HOT DUDE
other girls: that is chris

by Emilee716 November 2, 2019


A man who fucking challenges the powers of zeus and Thor. He is deadly with a hammer and slays cat puss.

"Did you see that chris killed God himself and got all his power?"

by BR3AD March 8, 2019


A Chris is a big gym lad who spends all his time wanking over boys, usually gay ones. He can also be recognised as a sick lad by those he rapes. A Chris is generally gay, 7/9 Chris’ are gay.

Oh shit, He must be a Chris, look at how he looks at boys, oof.”

by SmallCockMonsterCum March 21, 2019


Bandwagon name share on Instagram vibe like the rest. Only thing you have a small car and big boto.

Lemme post this name share Chris at Kaena Point on my bike ride hike, without killing native fauna or bees.

by pohukainacave November 23, 2021


A cock sucking dick head

“Omg he’s such a chris
Ong I hate him

by Suck my big fat juicy cock April 24, 2023