A person who uses their legs to recover vehicles during four wheel driving instead of their brain
“Hey retard come stick your ‘walking maxtrax’ legs under this wheel so we can get out”
she gonna walk you like a dog when she finds out you cheated on her
Being "bitch-walked" is a phase used often to describe when someone is being easily bested by someone or something. Often used in an argumentative setting but is not to intimidate, describe events, or insult.
It is also used to describe someone (often a male) being submitted or made to do something very easily.
1. Aight, let's see how tough you are pussy.
2. You act like I'm not about to bitch-walk you.
"Ay you did you see what happened when AJ raised his voice? His girl bitch-walked him, made him shut up real quick."
Taking a walk outside and making an effort to look at the things around you
“Awe walk” hasn’t been added to the Cambridge Dictionary yet – but they have noticed it’s been used quite a bit. The word “awe” means a feeling of respect. So when someone says they will take an awe walk, it means they’ll notice – and feel grateful for – all the small things around them.
The word was actually coined by the authors of a recent psychological study, which found older people who took awe walks felt more positive and less stressed over time.
Today on our awe walk we noticed a tree we’d never seen before.
Whilst playing golf, you don’t get an eagle, you don’t get a birdie but you get a par, the first thing you must do, MUST do, is the par walk.
A flat hand to the chest, shoulders back and a stern walk forward, a celebration of a three, four or five shotter. The par walk.
Hey dude, great shot, you know what you have to do now right??
Yeah I know man, the par walk…
Used by christians referring to someone deceased.
Based on the Biblical description of heaven, saying it has streets of gold.
“Did you hear what happened to Tony?”
“Yeah, he’s walking on streets of gold.”
A very stereotypical gay person. Usually used when that person is being flirty with their significant other.
*two girls are holding hands*
Friend of couple- "Get over here you adorable walking gay bars!"