A person that is named jacob paull is gay and forgetful and he has no friends.
You are such a jacob paull that we wont be his friend.
This is a person who will do anything if he needs to. Sometimes he’s scared but if someone says “I knew you wouldn’t” he will, even some crazy things.
Person 1: hey Jacob zabers!
Jekabs: yeah?
Person 1: I bet you will chicken out of this, ha!
Jekabs: go to hell. *does it
Aka cheese d*ck, A man that is sexy and get a lot of girls and likes to beat off to Kylie Jenner
Stop being a Jacob medor and best off to Kylie Jenner
super big giant pp and a 12 pack that hard enough to break stone
Long blonde hair with bad acne thinks he has shoe game and thinks he's funny and cool.
Did you see Jacob zinchini shoes ?
Yea there fucking ugly!
(Jay-cup-b, cuh-bahn): this person makes a great friend and is always down to hang. He’s a bit on the shorter side and prone to injuries but that will never stop him from fishing, or talking about fishing.
Oh, yeah I know Jacob Caban, he’s kinda cool.