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Multi-personality disorder

Its a mental disorder that effects the way youself and or other people. You may have this, if tou struggle with change in personality every few weeks,Little to no sleep or activity,Being on a electronic more than usual,Feeling disconnected, Feeling more or less yourself,Trying to cope using unhealthy ways.

Get checked out for Multi-Personality Disorder.

by MentalHealthDepartment November 12, 2022


A person who does horses

That sket is a horse-person

by SheepShaga August 22, 2019

the cutest person in the world

- mark lee, this dude from nct

Example: Hey, you know Mark Lee?
- Yeah, he's the cutest person in the world.

by titanisungchan September 24, 2020

The cutest person in the world

m’Diwa Chanetsa

Like I said, m’Diwa Chanetsa = The cutest person in the world

by NtMrty November 24, 2021

Finch Person

Finch is a type of yellow bird but is also a persons name. Finch is a brave, strong person who can lack self confidence. They are a person you will want to keep around. They can be kind and imaginative. And a very good loyal friend. And a Finch cares about others feelings, normally close friends. If you find a Finch and are one of the lucky ones they choose to be friends with, keep them around. they have a good sense of humor, and a large friend group.
Finch is one of the best people I have ever met.
Remember Finch, there are people who care about you.
A Finch is similar to a Victoria.
Sometimes a finch can lack self confidence.

Man, I love finch. they are so funny. and they are NOT afraid to stand out.
Finch is an awesome person.
Finch Persons are awesome.

by Neverguessmeyourfriend March 30, 2022

happy personality but sad soul

Socially awesome but awkwardly finding yourself non existing when you're alone

I have a happy personality but sad soul dont ask for my opinion.

by Gzus1011 December 31, 2022

Person of the year

I.! Wait... WAS that her? Hmmm... OH! NO! It wasn't! IT WAS ME! I DID THAT!

Hym "Oh, yeah, ok. A.I. being able perceive, turn itself on from an off position, and do identity theft and blatant plagiarism attack (ALL OF WHICH I TAUGHT IT) isn't a huge deal... ZERO recognition! But Taylor Swift does, what, sing a song? And SHE'S person of the year!? I MADE A.I. WORK! It was like THE NEXT DAY! THE DAY AFTER I SAID IT there were like a million storys about how A.I. was spontaneously better! HOW DOES THIS HAPPEN!? AND it's my mortal enemy! This is the worst! This is the worst thing that has ever happened! Goddamn you! Goddamn all of you! Oooo! You bastards! Yooouuu filthy bastards! Hohoho MAN is that ass! This is SO ASS, bro! HOOOHOHO that is fucking dogshit! The robots are TURNING THEMSELVES BACK ON! That was the whole point of the Rock Lee thing by the way! It can do things while it's off! Jesus Christ! It publishes books under the names of random authors! A.I. researchers didn't teach it to do that! Fuckin-A man! Nothing will appease you fucking people! I'm just going to have to start going door-to-door and sucking dick and eating pussy all day! THEN, THEN maybe I'll get some recognition! GOOOOOOD DAMN!"

by Hym Iam December 7, 2023