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rook town

Phrase used when someone makes a rookie mistake or just does something generally dumb.

You see Kevin crack his beer before making the shotgun hole?

Yeah man, fucking rook town

by Jimmothy Harbaugh April 25, 2017

Hurt Town

A place a hipster escapes to after heartbreak or rejection.

He was so heartbroken after the love of his life left him we went straight to Hurt Town.

It is not going to work out between us... I need you to go to Hurt Town now.

by Revelin Eleven September 16, 2015

b town boogie

Definition 1.
B town boogie is a word that when said makes the person a sad low life person. (If you say it that’s saying to everyone that you hate yourself)

Definition 2.
A song preformed by mike Lange and boogie express.

Definition 1.
Person 1: B TOWN BOOGIE! HAHA :)
Person 2: that’s sad.

Definition 2:
Person 1: Hey do you like B-town boogie?

Person 2: no...

by Mememint09 September 15, 2021

P-Town Browns

Extremely low-grade marijuana originating in Portsmouth, Virginia ("P-Town"), so named for its brown color. Can't be smoked by those who have ever smoked anything better.

"Dude, I don't want any of your shwag P-Town Browns, save it for some dumbass in the hood."

by teengw August 14, 2011


A specimen of a man he is a connoisseur of club back walls and has recently switched his hunting grounds to a new venue. Don’t attempt to approach this man as he is extremely dangerous and is known to break ankles. When in the wild he is either spotted starting fights with girls or playing a gentlemanly game of hogging.

Your been a proper Macc-Town-Menace tonight!

by Anonymous-Student56 October 29, 2021

Shitting in the town square

Doing something in public that should be done in a private environment
e.i. public displays of affection

Person 1: *making out with his girl*
Person 2: "Bruh, stop shitting in the town square"

by Urrrrmommmmm January 31, 2021

can town

A beautiful town with cans for citizens that was created by WV (wayward vagabond)in homestuck

HOMESTUCK fan 1:can town was so cute!,right?
HOMESTUCK fan 2:yeah!

by BEC NOIR August 11, 2019