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National beat the beaner captains ass day

Beat the shit out of the Mexican team captain on your wrestling team

Hey did you hear what day it is?
Yeah it’s national beat the beaner captains day!
National beat the beaner captains ass day is a national holiday where you beat him up

by Toesforthebros February 2, 2021

pushing beats

Apparently it’s a thing but since I’m the first person to make an Urban Dictionary Post. I’m guessing it means DJ’ing?

Eric was pushing beats this weekend for Barbie and Ken at the Dreamhouse Wedding in his backyard.

by Stan Cage December 19, 2018

Rural Beat

Old time country music played by urban (educated) musicians

Professor Smith and his wednesday night music jam were laying down some great rural beat with their mandolins and fiddles. Must have been the triple expresso latteccino's and organic micro brews they were drinking

by pitou January 20, 2008

you’re beat

You’re dead to me. I don’t fuck with you. It also could mean no.

Example 1: After finding out that Noah was being extra shady, Kirsten said “You’re beat bro” and ceased all contact with Noah.

Example 2:

Jack: Bro can you front me some weed?

Mark: Nah, you’re beat!

by Idontfuckwithyouuuu October 26, 2017

I beat worms

A coded message that is used to let your bros know that you are down to give them a handjob. If they respond positively they are basically giving you consent.

*watching sports with the boys*

Paul: "guys I beat worms"

Eric: "oh neat I've always wanted to try this."

by Givemetheticket July 20, 2019

National Beat Up Short People Day

Beat up anyone who is under 5’5 in October 23rd

Hey did you know it is National Beat Up Short People Day?”

“Is that a crowbar?”

by TheCrotaLeader October 22, 2024

National Beat Up Short People Day

Beat anyone short that is under 5’5 without consequences.

“Hey today National Beat Up Short People Day”

by TheCrotaLeader October 22, 2024