Crowning the bowl is a term used to describe a shit so large in mass that it actually breaks the surface of the toilet water.
Roomate #1; wtf bro, the toilet is clogged. You could at least plunge that shit out.
Roomate #2; My bad dude, thought it went down. I ended up crowning the bowl. My shit came up for air.
1👍 3👎
"Edmonds bowl" is when a trucking company fucks you so hard up your ass that when the driver sits repeatedly in the seat, overtime the blown out ass whole begins to form a bowl like shape into the seat.
Looking at Chris's semi truck seat, you can tell his company is giving him a bad case of edmonds bowl.
A large mass of diarrhea floating to the top of a toilet, usually circle shaped. Looks similar to a pancake, with the toasted middle and the speckled ring around it.
“Sorry I was in the toilet for a while. I just baked a pancake bowl, if you know what I’m saying.”
Where you put your index finger and thumb in a midgets ass and vagina and throw them on the bed using the pillows as bowling pins
I Made that midget girl into a fearless bowling ball
a..soup..bowl is a tiktok user who has grade A daddy issues and wants to get to know their mutuals but whenever they have a conversation it gets so awkward that they give up =)
"hey do you know a..soup..bowl on tiktok?" "Yeah, they freaked out talking to me"