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face love

A term used to show affection between friends/relatives/couples/strangers without the means of sexual contact. The term is called out whilst sliding your palm down the recipient's face (forhead down to the chin) quickly.

Neo: hi mushi
Mushi: face love! *slides hand down neo's face*

Neo: aiosjfio!

by Ommy nom nom July 19, 2009

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potato face

Someone with an abnormally large forehead, similar to having a potato on it

Wow, shes such a potato face!

by Forshizzles March 22, 2007

48๐Ÿ‘ 32๐Ÿ‘Ž

Face taint

The area between your nose and your upper lip. 'Taint your nose and 'taint your lip!

His mustache is so bushy it completely hides his face taint!

by Ron Greenberg October 22, 2007

13๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

Ur Face

Two words to say, when you dont have a comeback

1, Dude, your birth certificite is an apologie letter from the condom factory

2, Ur face

1, ok....

by muchpapoys March 28, 2011

14๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

klar face

1.) When the ratio of white visible electromagnetic waves to non-visible or non-white electromagnetic waves eminating from the ocular region becomes approximately 2:1.
2.) Googly eyes.

Detective Kane is a total klar face.

by Jon February 22, 2005

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JJ Faced

adj. - The end result of consuming too much alcohol. Often associated with being Pirate faced ie. texting with one eye open. usually accompanied by the loss of personal items (phone, wallet, dignity, respect of your peers etc.)

JJ - Man, last night was rough...
Draven - You got JJ faced didn't you?
JJ - Yeah... ended up urban camping at the SunTrust Springs
Draven - So your saying passed out by the fountain Down Town...
JJ - yep
Draven -.........Where was my invite?

by Urban_Camper September 22, 2010

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cooter face

1. One whose facial features resemble a vagina. Big lips, a hairy upper lip, and an awkwardly placed/small nose. This is cooter face.

2. A rather obscure term of endearment.

3. An insulting word meant to offend the faint-of-heart.

1. God, Andy is a sweaty cooter face.

2. I love you, cooter face. Will you bake me a pie?

3. Fuck that, cooterface!

by Geoffrey N May 3, 2007

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