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Dairy horse

A mythical creature who resides in Dubuque County, Iowa.

A horse that produces milk for human consumption.

Amanda looked at Matt and said “look! A Dairy Horse

by MAMILLER December 2, 2020

swamp horse

The most glorious of horses known to mankind. Can do anything but fly and is tough to catch in the wild. Makes John Wayne look like a pussy.

Dude you see that swamp horse!!!

Naw what horse?

Never mind he just flew off.

by Wakka flokka burr December 23, 2013

go suck a horse

an insult that you use on friends. wont work effectively on enemies/people you dislike.

friend 1 - go suck a horse
friend 2 - ouch.

by yasi. November 30, 2018

To horse

To be manhandled or treated like a little boy or pushed around.

In order to horse his ass you must be massive.

by Big daddy dave 69 February 16, 2020

horse feeding

When someone is lying

Jim: yeah I can bench 315 for 10 reps

Michael: you’re horse feeding right now

by jamalbigd May 5, 2024

Donkey and horse

Donkey see themselves as horse but they are not

Donkey and horse don't look alike

by Idkboy2211 February 7, 2023

Angry horse

When a horse obsessed person keeps posting pictures of their horse, and the horse does not willingly comply.

Look at that girl who keeps posting pictures of her horse, that is one angry horse.

by Kuuuuuuuuuuuush February 2, 2015