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horse poor

adj. used to describe someone (often a man in a relationship with a horsegirl/woman) who probably makes a decent salary and would be otherwise well off is but broke due to excessive spending on horses (often to appease the horse-crazed wishes of the horsegirl/woman).

source: riley savage (8:13 Shirts That Go Hard Tier List—HIVEMIND UNLIMITED)
his source: no clue he might've made it up on the spot

1: hey man can i borrow $20
2: nah brother i'm broke i just spent $20K on Majestic Prince Beanie Belle Btamble Moonstar 2
1: that better not be another fucking horse dude
2: tf do you think
1: man u could be living good but u horse poor

by WHENTHEBOMBGOES December 30, 2023

butter my horse

to rub liquid (lotion, lube, cum) on a man’s genitalia.

when she came over, we had an amazing time, she buttered my horse and got right to it.

Before we had sex, I had to butter my horse.

by jb.cabb May 30, 2024

Iron Horse

Samuels trusty steed, also known as train that runs on oil back in the 70s. The iron horse was once used to carry peach bones across seas, and was used to help slaves, such as old Harrison, escape from the Negro Hollow.

Samuel took the iron horse to a redeployment and lost miserably. He also ate a stick.

by Piper and Anna High Class Defs May 27, 2018

fuck the horse

saying for when you attempt something about a horse and quit midway


by roachifer November 29, 2024

sad horses mouth

1. a literal sad horses mouth
2. where a older woman or whore have lost their elasticity in their vagina, meaning then when it comes to intercourse its like putting fingers or a penis in a moist bin bag.

how was that girl last night?
worn she had sad horses mouth syndrome

by so help me February 6, 2016

jerome horse

A horse who is black a slur used towards black monkeys

Charlie: He is really black he must be a jerome horse

Leo: Yeah i hate jerome horse people

by brenboi August 11, 2023

Horse’s Ass

A rare person who consistently has bad shit happen to him. Even if the world looks good for the moment he knows that a big stinky shit is coming down at him...like a horse’s ass or a Mayzer

Man Jim has the worst luck, he really is a Horse’s Ass

by TiberiusC October 8, 2020