your just there vibing, and some kid says hes got an m and k, and noone has a clue of what he means.
Person 1: "yo mans got an m and k"
Person 2: "bro wtf, what is that"
Person 3: "wtf is that?"
Person 1: "mouse and keyboard"
Person 1 and Person 2: "miss me with that gay shit"
When an IRC operator /kick's you from the channel that you're chatting in, and then uses the /ban command to block you permanently.
In general, the act of taking away someone's access to the commons by enforcing arbitrary internet hierarchy rules.
"I haven't used Twitter in fourteen years because I signed up when it launched and got my own real name as my @ handle, but then I told someone else to 'go die in a fire' and the moderators k-banned me."
"Lol the CTO was fucking with malicious plugins for Teams video chat so our Microsoft broker threw the whole organization a k-ban. Now nobody's getting shit done until he can find a new subcontractor to license our entire office suite through."
Not a fully developed Klan member.
Dude, Brad has been spouting some hate-filled mess lately. I'm afraid he's one K away from putting on a hood.
To pull a K is doing an action a kook would do. A mistake.
Katie: *working on a project on the computer* she forgets to click the Save button and looses all her work
Justin: "oh no Katie you pulled a K!" (by Katie forgetting to save her work she "pulled a k"
a “nickname” for ketamine ( the horse tranquilizer..)
shits hella fun tho
gets you fucking fadedddd
person 1 : bro, you got any special k?
person 2 : ah yeah, i got you. how much you want? a gram? 2?
Special K is a nickname for the drug Ketamine.
Hi Allen, wanna pop back mine after the nightclub shuts. Can send some special K until we enter the K hole and pass out asleep!