A very caring and loving person with a massive dick
Jacob Micheal Taylor is very caring
A dude with one leg who will typically attempt to roast you but gets butthurt when you roast him back. Typically makes excuses as to why he can’t work and has to be lazy.
Jacob Monday : You’re a loser with no money
Johnny Tuesday : You literally live off of the government.
Jacob : *cries and rage quits whatever he’s doing*
Lancky muppet with 8 finger at his left knee.
Chav 1: your such a Jacob Garrity
Chav 2: nah lad im leng
He is short and kind of smelly but is a nice person and has good vocals. He is incredibly good at singing and can beat ANYONE at uno.
He's good at cross country (not really)
He is the best at sugar dusting, and will challenge anyone
that jacob jackson is great
Someone who sucks at sports (especially cross country) he thrives to maintain having ashy knees and has tree branches for legs. he is sometimes nice but always bullies his friends. he is very short and needs friends to talk to him because he is shy. HE ALSO IS A EGG AND LIVES TO MAKE FUN OF HIS FRIENDS
a person who cheats at uno.
the best country runner (not true)
he's musty, loud, and ashy.
someone ate his last ice-cream sandwich
that Jacob Jackson is short
A person who is extremely ignorant considering the fact that they are of Asian descent. (Please note that Jacob Egerton is ok with this definition)
Bro Asians are supposed to be smart, you are a whole Jacob Egerton