A girl Who Gives head All the time to everyone.
You see this girl comming up the street, she a whoppy-mouth son.
curry mouth can also mean someone talking shit; as curry makes your shit a lot, calling someone a curry mouth is in relation to that.
shut your curry mouth
stop talking curry
you talk too much curry
The act of sticking your stragot of a friends balls in you mouth and hugging them all around
friend 1: Can i jiggle-um-balls in yo mouth
Friend 2: Hell yeah bro
Diamonds or golden teeth. Usually used by rappers to express how the have enough money to have all gold teeth, like lil Yatchy
Damn nigga, i eanna make so much money that i can get my mouth full of rocks. And i want a rollie too.
When you're mouth smells or looks disgusting, also when your teeth are very yellow
Damn, she has gunk mouth
The throat forms a "wax" like build-up, causing minor-mild loss of taste. This irritation is caused mainly by giving a male felacio, or "blow-jobs".
She can't taste hot food due to her wax mouth.
When someone always seems to have their mouth open. On going occurance can lead to lock jaw and the possibility off excessively large objects being swallowed.
john-paul: "hey dude whys that girl always got her mouth open?"
Patrice: "Ahh man shes got Al Bar mouth syndrome. she just can't close her mouth."