If his name is Ian, then he's really hot, tall, and has beautiful blue eyes.
That Guy Who Plays Drumset is so bleepin' cool
Spending excessive time on one's smartphone, or otherwise unhealthy, inappropriate or antisocial smartphone behaviour.
You might make some friends if you went out and were nice to people instead of sitting here playing the devil's Gameboy.
The act of letting your partner pour a bucket of super glue over your body and letting it dry, usually done on a soft surface such as a bed. The super glue crust will be worn until one's partner allows the crust to be removed. This practice is most popular in Seattle.
John J.: i was doing glue play yesterday it was pretty cool
A kid that goes by the name of Nicholas made a game website, the website has games, a proxy, an AI, and upcoming movies!
Nicks Play has been in the works for 3 months and is avalible to the public! Nicks Play has a wide variety of games, one proxy, and one AI. Nicks Play has been up for at least 3 months now but will be getting deleted soon. During the summer; Nicks Play will be deleted and replaced with a new site. So if you want to suggest new games before its deleted go and press the "Questions" button at the bottom of the all games page.
<The Link to Nicks Play>
https: (delete the spaces here) //sites.google.com/student.aisd.net/nicksplay-dont-tell
"Hey have you heard about the new website Nick's Play?"
The sexual build-up that only occurs when a man/woman is dating a photographer and instead of the social norms of sweet-talking, cuddling and slow-music playing as the background, it involves taking pictures, which ultimately leads to sex.
Person 1: So how did the date go?
Person 2: I don't know. Maybe dating a photographer isn't all that's cracked up to be.
Person 1: What makes you think that?
Person 2: All we did last night was pho-play?
Person 1: But the sex was good, right?
Person 2: Fuck yeah!
Carlos Chavez known as the hit man ran 15 games of Rummy. To date, he has yet to been beat.
A Rummy playing Phenom
Where the partner stretches an mans Foreskin until it cant stretch no more.
Ayo wanna see my dick
Its all screwed up because me and my wife did Erotic Foreskin Play.