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all day every day

a common expression used to describe an action that occurs with a high degree of frequency.

Amanda: I just found my old Game Boy Color!
Julie: Oh, you're so gonna get hooked...
Amanda: I know. I just want to play Pokemon Red all day every day.

by Nessypie May 18, 2009

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All the cool kids are doing it.

The perfect reason to do anything.

Q: Why are you eating vanilla ice cream and pickles?
A: Dude, all the cool kids are doing it.

Girl 1: Do you wanna go to Sam's?
Girl 2: No, not really.
Girl 1: All the cool kids are doing it.
Girl 2: Oh, well in that case... Yes.

by vegetable fried rice June 25, 2009

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Super Mario All-Stars

A collection of Mario games for the Super Nintendo. Arguably one of the best video game deals of all time, it contains all the Super Mario Brothers games and the unreleased Japanese Super Mario Bros. 2, which was considered too hard to release in the United States.

Super Mario All-Stars is the best SNES game of all time.

by smpoza August 11, 2008

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All day sucker

1a. A pipe loaded so full you can hit off it all day long... 2a. A person who likes or wants to sucker a man's Dick for as long as he can preferably all day...

1a. Hey dude you packed this pipe so fat it's going to be a "all day sucker". 2a. Look at that guy Kim, I would be his "all day sucker" any day.

by Alma Dixon September 4, 2018

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Wierd All Yankovich

A guy who makes ripoffs of other people's songs, such as "What If God Smoked Cannabis?", "Livin' La Vida Yoda", and "Will The Real Slim Shady Please Shut Up?"

Only true '90s kids remember downloading Wierd All Yankovich songs on LimeWire!

by Sir Veisaid September 12, 2014

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Acting all SOMEway

Created by the Garcia family of Maricopa, AZ. To act all bitchy, or ass-holish. With an attitude. Pronounced as one word with emphasis on the word SOME.

We were gonna go to the movies but Melissa was acting all SOMEway.

by Big Lare March 10, 2005

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All bark no bite


God that guy is such a all bark no bite

by FL0W.___ July 12, 2021

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