female arms being claimed by bulk ! , and beginning to look like tubular balloons (let's make some balloon animals !)
she just gets sloppier and sloppier! , she needs to fight for her arms
The act of having sex with a girl and spreading her legs and banging her vagina. The penis inserting is the act of “chopping her beef
Chopping her beef
Joe: Man there’s Jessica! Your totally gonna chop her beef tonight!
Tony: I hope so man I’d love to spread those legs and chop her beef
In parody of "No-Nut November" and "Destroy Dick December", finger her January is an event starting on the first of January, in which you finger as much as you can, during this time all bro bonds are here by canceled and it is allowed to finger a friend's mom.
"i can't wait for the year to start"- your mom
"i love finger her January" -your mom
A signifier of a basic white girl who has no personality and just follows social media trends. Will spend all her free time pretending to care about world issues, but only the ones that are currently trending.
Oh look, another basic white girl with she/her in her bio just repeating the same recycled takes about how racism is bad, word for word. That must be the 43528834th I've seen today.
It's when bang a dove so hard, she commits suicide around 40 or 50 years old, not wanting to grow into an ol' granny knowing she can never have it like that again! (Next time you're out with your mates, try this term out.. promise it's always a hit with the lads!)
Origin: Northhampton, London UK Football Hooligan Slang.
Fellow 1: See that dove in the corner by the pool table?
Fellow 2: Yeah, she looks right proper. You outta smash the granny out of her tonight!!!
to be useful to someone(her/him) in the future
she is a very pretty lady. When I saw her licking ice cream, i knew it would stand her in good stead. Because after I would have hired her, i would download facebook and let her suckerberg me. Due to the fact, if she weren't willing to do it, I would zuckerberg her