A cork that was once in a horses ass and now in a humans ass to serve as a but plug
Hey are you going to use that horse cork?
A horse at long odds who receives the predominant amount of market money at a late stage in betting and thus ‘plunges’ the price into favouritism or near favouritism.
How many fucking times does your plunge horses have to get rolled before people wake up and realise your a fucking dud!!
Conservative American so dumb they will eat anti parasitic medicine for farm animals instead of getting a free covid vaccine shot.
The horse pasters outside the Warren rally really needed to proofread their signs.
When you have a hentai account on Instagram to cope with your fear and PTSD of Horses and horse memorabilia
That guy definitely has Mental Horse Issues, he shivers at the Sight of a saddle.
“have you heard of the god of horses?”
“yeah it’s anya.”
someone with a face looking like a horse
that russian has an annoying horse mug
A person or persons whom ride pedal bikes aggressively. They usually ride in neighborhoods, or where people are around. Rarely do they ride in rural areas. They are attention seekers, and like to be witnessed. Also, riding makes them horny, and they are big fans of Patrick Swayze.
Neighbor 1: "Did you see Chad and Stacy today?"
Neighbor 2: "Yeah man! A couple of Road Horses!"
Neighbor 1: "I heard they have vibrating bicycle seats!"
Neighbor 2: "Typicsl Road Horse, I wish I was one."