Source Code

Rule 126

Rule 126 - At least one other rule must be brought up in a political debate for it to be valid. No matter your party.

Boy - Turnip is my president!
Girl "But what about Rule 126 -_-?"

by Kurapikas_Property January 1, 2021

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Rule 189

Never kiss a girl on the mouth. It means you have kissed every boy she has kissed or worse every cock she has preformed a felatio upon. Suggestion is to get info from rule 188 before proceeding.

Guy- Ah man I can't wait to kiss my gf.
Friend 1- Rule 189
Friend 2- I'll invoke 188 just incase

by XxPapaJohnN00bslayerxX September 24, 2018

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Rule 159

Same thing as rule 11, but for two people of the same gender.

npesta: God, we've just been staring at this .jpg of a brick wall for an hour, I'm so bored.
Technical49: Rule 11?
npesta: That only works on opposite genders, Rule 159?
Technical49: Sure

by AdvyStyles February 26, 2023

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Rule of Bases

A general rule of thumb for determining what base you should be at with your significant other. First of all, let's define the bases.

1st: Making out. Yes that means tongue
2nd: Boobie grabbing
3rd: Blowjob.

4th: Vaginal/Anal penetration using your penis.

For high schoolers: simply divide the number of months you've been dating. For example, if you've been dating 4 months, you should be at 2nd base. If you've beend atin 8 months, you should be at 2nd, etc.

For college students: Divide number of months by 1 to determine which base you should be one. 1st base after a month, sex after four months. Literally, college girls are whores. Four months is probably an overestimate.

Adults: Sex on first date.

A: Josh, you squeeze her tits yet?
B: Nah, not yet.
A: how long yall been dating?
B: 8 months
A: ... You a faggot. Rule of Bases states you should be at least at 2nd base now. Pussy Bitch.

by acavern December 14, 2014

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12 month rule

The 12 month rule is when parents have to stop saying how many months old their baby is after they reach 1 year old. Some parents say their baby is 34 months old. They make you do extra math when they could easily say 2 years and 10 months old.

Woman 1: "Aww how old is he?"

Woman 2: "26 months old"

Woman 1: "Don't say 26 months old it breaking the 12 month rule."

by ImmediateAce September 18, 2013

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rule 3:16

Similar to rule 34(literally means rule 3 sub 16)

3:16 A) If it exsists someone will find something wrong with it in the Bible.

3:16 B) If this rule is invoked you are required to say that you have invoked rule 3:16.

3:16 C) If you invoke rule 3:16 and you tell them that you invoked rule 3:16 you are not required to prove that the Bible says something against it.

3:16 D) You cannot invoke this rule when reffering to: Death, BDSM, Furries, or Killing. anything elese can be invoked upon.

3:16 E) this rule must be reffered to a "rule 3:16" it cannot be refered to as rule 3.16 or 3.16 or rule 3-16 or any combination of these (it can be reffered to as 3:16, 3 sub 16, 3 subsection 16 or the Bible rule).

3:16 F) Furries are not allowed to be invoked by rule 3:16 as stated by rule 3:16 D).

3:16 G) The rule may be invoke upon at anytime by God or his angels for any reason and He/them is not required to give a reason.

3:16 H) Hell cannopt speak out against this rule nor can a person say "to hell with rule 3:16" or any form of damning of this rule nor can a person say "forget 3:16" or any form os disavowing or encouraging the disavowing of this rule.

3:16 I) noone may condone the uninteligent use of this rule. (if you do not know what the rule means you cannot use it)

3:16 J) all parts of rule 3:16 cannot be changed edited or restated in any way.

X: look it's pie
Z: pie is a sin
X: why?
Z: rule 3:16
X: the Bible rule?
Z:*no response*

by voldemort1 April 20, 2009

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Three Thrust Rule

If there is more than three thrusts then it counts as sex. Anyless then it oesn't count.

He thrusted once but it hurt too much so i'm still a virgin.
Yeahh mate three thrust rule.

by Red Hair January 22, 2010

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