Fucking a corn shuck after drilling a hole in it
Sexual Shucking is fucking disgusting
a person, typically a man who is not considered homosexual although partaking in homosexual acts but only with Juliani
I’m not gay babe, I swear! I’m just Juliani-sexual
An enlarged mid section also known as lower abdominals that are engorged due to repeated sexual encounters that lead to a false sense of comfort with a porky pig belly.
I’ve been married for 7 years so I am comfortable with my sexual callous.
A person who is sexually attracted to the place in the far north of New Zealand called Houhora
Billy: Man I love houhora so much!
Seb: I think you're totally Houhora Sexual!
The act of spreading STDs through sexual contact with multiple people, often resulting in the death of at least on person.
Man commits sexual terrorism at nightclub, leaves 17 dead, 20 sick
Term created by YouTube streamer Lerix when trying to explain sexual reassignment surgery.
Lerix: You know like if they're cutting...sexual organ therapy...you know what I mean
A woman that prefers getting fucked by the jets in the whirlpool tub than by her man.
She is a straight up sudsy sexual. She never puts out for her man anymore but takes a bath every night.