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Special K

1. (noun) slang for the psychedelic drug ketamine, based on the cereal (see 2.)

2. (noun) a type of cereal from the brand Kellogg’s, usually has types of berries/fruit in it

1. “Ay my man you wanna trip on some Special K at my house?”

2. “Dad, can I please have some Special K for breakfast?”

by nlolhere June 22, 2020

Jaylen K

Extremely skinny black guy

That man Jaylen K is mad skinny

by Spectrum159 June 18, 2022

K Bitch

A term used in a negitve manner to describe someone who is being a shady bitch.

Carrie: "And I slept with you're boyfriend too!"

Kate: *slaps Carrie*
"Take that, K Bitch!"

by FuckMe April 25, 2017


A command on Irc(Internet Relay Chat). It stands for kick. It is used to kick a person from a channel whether its yourself,which someone named otns does alot, or someone else. People annoy people and normally they pms and !k someone.

@otns> !k * You were kicked from #otnsx by X (Requested)

@Hand_of_God> That kid kicked himself using !k LOLWUT.

by yoyooyyoyoy July 7, 2009

K-Side Crips

Sum real steppas frm LA, Bossier City dhet kill fa fun

Dem K-Side Crips take yo ah off da map

by KSideCrip November 22, 2021

Matty K Griddy too Sturdy

A pretty cute blonde durly haired kid. Has disses on him written by Boaz Lamar. such as koffleria and Like Matt. He is a pretty cute kid and can get annoying sometimes.

Oh Im hanging out with that cute blonde kid, Matty K griddy too sturdy.

I hate when a koffler talk about games, then somebody play, they turn into lames
Then hop online like "play for my bitty," he fakin' for friends and acting like diddy

His hailey a killer, he wanna be junior, they must've forgot the shit that they done

by someonewithdawords May 20, 2024


a pussy corn on the the bottom of the foot

"whoa dude what is that?"
" Don't worry about it, it is just a k-spesh. My mom got me some ointment ."

by leeduloop January 21, 2010