white on youtube this title this is my new song
Chris C x Florin - Tot Ce Conteaza
Chris C x Florin - Tot Ce Conteaza
Alright I don't think that will exist
Like how can I get info about World War X?
the type of guy that will have devils tango whenever and wherever. (likes to lick people too)
Person 1: Lil Nas right now and right here
Lil Nas X:Bet
When Teoman and jeison are getting shipped
Teoman and jeison like to kiss and make out vigorously
I want to see Teoman X Jeison everyday
It’s a really cute ship and they would go perfect with eachother am so happy with them being together I was at there wedding so they are wife
What do I ship?
U should ship jas x buni
"10/10, would read again" - IGN except they review Fanfictions
Yeoss x SomethingStrange is one of the most beautiful fanfictions ever created. It sold 5 billion copies, that's almost the entire world's population! The plot is so dynamic, the use of words is beautiful! And best of all, it is so romantic! A straight furry and a Transgender girl falling in love.
When there's SomethingStrange-in your neighbourhood, who ya' gonna call?
If there is a good fanfic, what's it's name? Tell me!
Yeoss x SomethingStrange !