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that cool white guy

that cool white guy in your life. He’s usually straight and cis but he’s like cooler than the other cis straight white guys in your life. Cool white guys usually love their mom and are probably afraid of bugs.

person 1: Hey there’s that cool white guy with his mom!!
person 2: that guys my favorite

by ilovepissyummypissyummy November 10, 2021

Cooling and Dave


not friends with beany, he is a cunt

by bob October 24, 2003

Cooling and Dave

two state of the art lovable friends who are to be joined by true matrimony by the arse and penis!!!

Elton John and lover

by Barry October 24, 2003

cool, precipitation

basically lingo for ‘i’m bored

y0u: cool, precipitation

Fry: same

by bemjam October 14, 2020

cool, precipitation

basically different lingo for “i’m bored

y0u: cool, precipitation
Fry: same

by bemjam October 14, 2020

Hot n cool

Any time at your service. From hot pan to chilled juices. Available online and offline 24x7. Delivery available on the fastest track. Serving the sweetest and the sizzling dishes ever.

Don’t worry If you lose your temper. Hot n Cool is ready to chill you out there. 😜

Which is your favourite hot n cool dish?

by Mubarack November 24, 2021

Hot n cool

Any time at your service. From hot pan to chilled juices. Available online and offline 24x7. Delivery available on the fastest track. Serving the sweetest and the sizzling dishes ever.

Don’t worry If you lose your temper. Hot n Cool is ready to chill you out there. 😜

Which is your favourite hot n cool dish?

by Mubarack November 24, 2021