Hi my boyfriend would you like me to send n*des on this fine day, October 10?
National Give head day, Both genders Give there partners Oral sex until they 🥜
October 10: Aye bitch Its national give head day suck my dick
october 10th is national boss ass bitch day, only real bad bitches were born that day
if you are born on october 10th ur probably a 10 out of 10 son
but fuck ppl that are born on october 11th cuz their 11 out of 10
Nelson: I was born on october 10th
Random person: wow she must be bad ass fuck 😬
Cornelia: Yo today is my birthday
Stranger: thats the baddest bitch I‘ve ever seen
Used to mean "in service", used by some prostitutes to signal that they are dtf
Guy: Hey are you. 10-8 tonight? Prostitute: Yeah my rates are still the same
!0-8 is usually used when a police officer goes on patrol.
Police/Fire/EMS emergency radio code that signals that a person is (In Service)
Dispatch: All units to fire at 123 Main Street
UNIT 1: copy dispatch I'll be 10-8(in service)
A common radio code in law enforcement, referring to a unit being available for a service.
As a slang term, it is also used to describe a person who was calm and suddenly became active.
Commonly written as "X8" (Roman numeral X=10)
"I will be 10-8 at 0600 hours."
"He was calm, but once I told him he was going to jail, he went 10-8 and started to fight."