a females that iz extremely prude.
Doc: Man Zoo dat chick a straight prude monster she aint even wanna kiss ion even think she ever kissed anybody and she 25yrs old.
a seat monster is when someone’s ass takes up the whole chair
omg kim kardashian is a seat monster.
Arthurs Monster is a metaphor for being a heartless, undeniably bad person.
Nick is definitely not Arthurs Montster.
When you type "2401" on the homepage, Arthurs Monster shows up.
A drink so vile, i have attempted suicide every time that i think about it, even now
Woman: hey have you tried Monster Java? It is SO good
Man: honey, cut the shit and get me a pacific punch monster from the fridge
buying some monsters from your local corner shop in Britain and going to the closest nature reserve to you and shooting pigeons and drinking your monsters whilst chatting about life.
Wanna come with me im going nature reserve with some monsters?
A woman of unsightly figure who sells vagina who makes just enough to keep up her everyday life and necessities.
“I slid this Moonk Monster a $5 piece cause she ate this dick after my workout lol just nasty right”?
Any man or woman that wears denim jeans, denim shirt, and a usually a Levi’s denim jacket is a denim monster.
Often seen with a LoneStar beer at a rodeo- usually a spectator not a participant.
“We’re you at the PBR rodeo finals the other day?
There was a while section of denim monsters over by the beer garden.”