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Stands for Secretly We Are Gay

We are swag

by Levi's phat c00ch February 14, 2021


S: shit
W: we

A: are
G: gorgeous

Emma: I am SWAG
Cleo: Oh my god me too!

by PaulyBunyan101 October 31, 2019


Unlike what a lot of rarts think this is not an acronym, and a rapper definetly didnt invent it.

Swag is in fact just a cosa nostra lingo, meaning stolen clothes, commonly from highjacked trailers with clothing shipments. As these are intended for resell the clothes are usually from expensive brands.

The term was first used in the film Goodfellas (1990), and it's been used twice over the course of the sopranos (1999-2007).

-We got some dior dresses for you, it's swag

by Barnabas gullberg July 23, 2018


Swag stands for "secretly we are gay". People use it when they are secretly gay but when another person hears it, they just think it's like a synonym for "cool" while secretly, it's actually a word we use (us gay people) when we find another person really cool and like we really like them so yeah y'know?? the sentence "I'm so swag" is usually accompanied by the 😎 emoji, because us gay people, are the coolest. So when you hear somebody complimenting you by telling you YOU are swag, they are most definitely, a gay person.

"I'm swag"

"You're so swag"

by cassandreee April 20, 2021


S-W-A-G stands for Secretly We Are Gay and was a common term used in the 1960s.

Person a: Yeah, im so swag bro!

person b: No way dude! You're gay??

person a: i- wh..

person b: Bro.. im in love with you. Will you be the jam to my peanutbutter?

by OliveOllie December 25, 2020



Yza is so swag!!
Yeah totally swag!!

by Yams1025 January 28, 2021


Hawaii, they are the the superior being, everything they do just radiate swag energy, nothing in the world could possibly be better, just absolute perfection

Wow Hawaii is so Swag

by Myeeeeest April 15, 2021