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Polish Nugget

(noun) someone who sexually harasses or abuses another; someone or something that annoys you to a point that you want to kill them; someone you despise.

Damn that guy is such a Polish Nugget!!!

by avacoco February 9, 2019

Nugget plague

A plague of chicken nuggets that want to feed themselves to you

The nugget plague has caused many people you explode from obesity

by Cool bro Reid November 13, 2014

pus nuggets

a slightly disorder coloring in your poop, it smells good, looks wrong, but overall it feels great to get out of your system

Dude "i just took some gnarly pus nuggets bro". Really?. Ye it was amazing :).

by Raven Fry December 30, 2011

shlober dorfn nugget

something you say after you drop your ice cream. If you say it after dropping anything else its bad luck.

*drops ice cream* shlober dorfn nugget i dont have enough money to buy another one :(

by tookie cloths pin July 10, 2020

waxed nugget

the act of slapping someone in the back of their head act of slapping someone very hard in the back of the head

I just waxed Matthew's nugget in other words he got a waxed nugget

by the beast boy 101 May 12, 2015

Dusty nuggets

Marijuana laced with Percocet or cocaine

Damn, I ain’t know shawty was smoking them dusty nuggets

by Groove City PNut June 14, 2024

dingle nugget

when your ejaculating and you get semen on your self and your ball hairs stick up

broo i swear she will give you a dingle nugget

by Dingle Quandalius Ferry July 9, 2022