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r/whatstherule is a subreddit where you guess the rule of the subreddit

"haha r/whatstherule players... welcome to the hint of rule 50. Dm Diggymon the missing letters and you shall recieve a hint (QcXg_______)"

by Themysteryruleman July 21, 2020

"r" opposites

Pairs of words that have a meaning which is "one-hundred-eighty degrees" different from each other when the letter "r" is added, such as "fiend" and "friend", "gem" and "germ", etc.

Perhaps the "r" opposites might have had a role to play in the infamous "cell phone static" call that got the totally-honorable-and-conscientious Enron officials in trouble --- you will notice that the moral-minded, "Ship the documents to the Feds" has no "r" letters in it, whereas the supposedly-uttered criminal statement, "Rip the documents to shreds" does indeed contain that letter a couple times, and has the exact opposite meaning.

by QuacksO September 15, 2020


A subreddit

for clowns who want reddit karma

r/wooooooooosh plssssss give me reddit karma and reddit gold plsssssss i want the KARMAAAA

by jonathanraves12 August 2, 2022

Donald R. Stewart lll

the greatest of all and the hottest mother fucker in the world. if you suck his cock you can be his friend

i want to be a Donald R. Stewart lll

by Donald R. Stewart lll February 12, 2020


As the name suggests, it’s old ladies baking pies but with a twist
The twist? All of the post titles are made similar to titles found in pornography

Person 1: “hey have you checked out r/OldLadiesBakingPies?
Person 2: “no I haven’t. Sounds nice though”
Person 1: “yeah it’s pretty cool”
Person 2 after checking out the subreddit: “WHAT THE FU-

by Frostbitehusky July 9, 2022

W. A. D. R.

(With All Due Respect )

The 'GRAND MOTHER' (not to be confused w/ "Grandmother") of all "DISCLAIMERS" in the genre of 'Polite Speaking'..
Maintaing your status as a 'gentleman' (/woman) whilst still taking the time to correct a speaker (or commenter) on their "incorrectness" regarding a matter.

Something you say before (as a gesture of kindness) you make someone else look like a total jackass for speaking on something THEY don't fully-undetstand.

Something you say to the cops right before you refuse their request.

A quick 'pardon' in the pursuit of correct information being circulated on the internet.

W. A. D. R. "With All Due Respect" Officer, I'm NOT GOING TO ANSWER ANY QUESTIONS."

by ThaBlackness13 December 20, 2022

The R-Word

Used to refer to the word “Retard” by certain groups who believe it is offensive to disabled people, because it was a medical term for people with intellectual disabilities and is now commonly used as an insult, which means “a stupid or foolish person, which is ironic because people in this group still often use words like “idiot”, “moron”, and “imbecile” which also used to be medical terms, but have since acquired a new definition.

Tim: You’re so retarded, Dan
Dan: Hey! Don’t use the R-word, idiot
Tim: Why is idiot ok but retard isn’t?
Dan: Uhhhhhhh…..

by Supermaniacjoey44 February 21, 2024